Career Direction

Career Direction

Career exploration is a process of self-discovery that can be exciting. Yet deciding on a career path that fits with your wants, needs, interests, and desires may also be filled with confusion and uncertainty.
I provide a supportive environment for clients to explore both academic and career opportunities. Our work together will guide you through the process of personal exploration to discover what’s important to you, as well as identify a career that’s best suited for your strengths, preferences, interests, goals, and talents.

Academic and career exploration (will) includes

  • finding the root of your struggles/challenges
  • identifying your values and desires
  • discovering your passions and strengths
  • building a meaningful pathway to your future
  • developing concrete strategies and coping skills
  • empowering you to make positive decisions
  • increasing self-confidence
  • committing to constructive change
  • finding a work-life balance

Whether you are a teen or college student trying to figure out what major to pick or career path to work towards, or a young adult just starting out or going through a transition with your career direction, I offer personal support and guidance to develop concrete skills and strategies that will help you navigate your uncertainty/find clarity, build and implement your vision, follow through with your goals and find hope in forging a meaningful pathway to your future. Reach out here to take the next step.


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